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Cheers, London

Photos by Charlie Hurst and Fin O’Sullivan

We came to London excited by the prospect of experiencing the vibrant running culture of which we'd heard so much. It didn't disappoint. Still buzzing from the weekend, we wanted to share a few photos from the events along with the audio from our 'On Running & Writing Panel' with Adharanand Finn, Kate Carter, Ed Caesar and Andy Waterman. You can listen via the Soundcloud link, below.

One of the talking points during the panel was the stories in our sport that go untold. Ed Caesar, a member of Manchester's Chorlton Runners, advocated for more storytelling around amateur runners, like one of his club teammates who drives a train for a living. 'What does it cost you? What does it mean to you?,' he asked. Running 'holds significance beyond the the thing itself.' And that's meaningful. It's a 'numinous experience,' he'd like to see explored more often.

By Sunday and Monday, his words seemed prescient. At every race we attend, we're struck by the stories we hear from the athletes who pass through our doors after their marathon for a beer and a poster. They share tales of barriers broken, of Guinness World Records smashed by nurses and journalists, of Six Star Finishers, of goals that were missed and races finished by sheer willpower alone. As a result, we left London invigorated by the energy and passion of our global running community and excited for what's to come this fall.

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