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Ts F2017 Camp Tracksmith 3966

Tracksmith Fellowship FAQs

The Tracksmith Fellowship is designed to support runners with creative ambitions. This year the brand will fund projects from three to five creators. Whether film or photography, poetry or fiction, podcasts, music, painting or sculpture, runners are invited to submit concepts for a year-long grant, here. Please reach out to fellowship@tracksmith.com for any addition queries.

Who can apply for the Fellowship?

Global creatives of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, but the aim of this program is to support emerging talent. You do not need to be U.S.-based to apply.

How much money will be granted?

We will award grant funds (up to $50,000 total) to 3-5 projects based on their proposed budget. 

How will the grant be awarded?

The grant will be paid out on a quarterly basis and the team will work the creators to ensure they're meeting their project goals and working towards their budget.

How will applications be judged?

The Tracksmith team will review projects based on their creative merits, expected budget and with an eye towards feasibility of execution. After initial vetting, candidates will be interviewed to learn more about the project and the vision.

Who owns the final product?

The Fellow owns the final work. On completion of the project we’ll work together to present the work to the wider running world, whether that’s through a screening at the Trackhouse, a gallery event in your hometown, or something entirely new.

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