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Race Day is
(still) Sacred

It’s hard to imagine racing Boston without the sights, sounds and crowds that make it the most legendary Marathon in the world. And yet, this week, thousands of runners will seek to prove that even at a distance, Race Day is (still) Sacred.

Marquis Bowden is one such athlete. After his dreams of racing his first Boston in April were postponed, he has his eyes set on snagging a personal record for the virtual race n his hometown of Los Angeles.

Directed by
Emily Maye

Special Consideration to Farm League 
Exec Producer: Tim Lynch
Exec Producer: Michael Pizzo
Post Production Supervisor: Theo Fischel-Bock

Editorial Cartel TV
Editor: Kyle Valenta
Executive Producer: Lauren Bleiweiss
Producer: Amanda Ornelas

Mix/Sound Design: Charlie Keating
Color: Alex Bickel
Music: Hanan Townshend

Athlete: Marquis Bowden

A very special thanks to Toni Reavis

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